The Dog and the Crocodile

Retold* by Rohini Chowdhury

It is said that in ancient Egypt, Dogs would drink the water of the Nile while running so that they may not be caught by the many Crocodiles in the river.

One day a Dog came down to the Nile for a drink, and as was usual, began to drink while running, ready to flee at a moment’s warning.

A Crocodile called out to him and said, ‘Take a long drink, drink as slowly as you want, come closer, for there is nothing to fear.’

The Dog, running away at once to a safe distance laughed scornfully and replied, ‘Do you take me for a fool? Do you think I don’t know why you are giving me this advice? Yes, I would enjoy a long, leisurely drink at the water’s edge and would accept your invitation with pleasure, except that I know you want to eat me!’ And turning, the Dog ran away.

Those who give bad advice to discreet persons, get nothing for their trouble except scorn.

*Based on the 1887 translation of Phaedrus’ fables by Henry Thomas Riley: The FABLES of PHÆDRUS. Literally Translated into English Prose with Notes, by HENRY THOMAS RILEY, B.A. Late Scholar Of Clare Hall, Cambridge. This work is in the public domain.