A Very Special Birthday

Written and Illustrated by Rohini Chowdhury

A Very Special Birthday

“Meera, do you remember what day it is tomorrow?” asked Rani coming into their room and sitting down on the bed.
Meera looked up from her book. “Tuesday,” she said. “Why?”

“It’s Mummy’s birthday, Meera!” cried Rani. “Had you forgotten?”

“Of course not,” cried Meera. “What are we going to get her for a present?”

Rani looked gloomy. “That’s the whole problem. I can’t think of anything! There’s no point getting her clothes, she has so many. Or books, she’s read them all!”
”And she’s too old for toys!” added Meera, looking equally gloomy.

“Maybe we can get her some flowers,” said Rani after a while.

“And we could make her a birthday card,” said Meera.

“But somehow…” sighed Rani.

“That doesn’t seem special enough for Mummy!” finished Meera.

Both girls sat glumly on the bed wondering how they could make Mummy’s birthday an extra happy one.

“What’s going on?” asked Papa poking his head round the door. “Why are the two of you sitting so quietly?”
”Tomorrow is Mummy’s birthday and we don’t know what to do!” said both the girls together.
”Ah!” said Papa, smiling wisely. He came into the room and shut the door behind him. “So Mummy doesn’t hear us,” he whispered loudly, a big grin on his face.

Papa pulled up a chair. “Let’s think,” he said. “What does Mummy like?” Soon the two girls were busy discussing ideas with Papa joining in with his own suggestions and thoughts. After an hour of talking and planning the girls nodded to each other, “Now that sounds like a good birthday for Mummy!”
They finally had a plan!

Next morning Papa woke the girls very early, even before the sun had risen properly. Then, quickly and quietly, the three of them set to work.

The three of them set to work.

Papa and Rani blew up balloons – red, yellow, green, blue – and Meera tied their necks with strong white string. When they had enough Papa stood on a stool and hung the balloons all around the living room. Soon the room was looking very festive indeed.

Making sure that Mummy was still asleep, Papa, Rani and Meera crept into the kitchen. There, Papa was in charge. “Right then, now to make breakfast!” he began in a loud bossy voice.

“Sssh” said the girls together, “you’ll wake Mummy!”
”Sorry!” said Papa, looking sheepish.  He began whispering instructions. “Rani, butter the bread. Meera, get the oranges from the fridge. Ravi (that was for himself!) fry the eggs!”


Rani and Meera ran to do as Papa said.Quietly and efficiently the children set out the breakfast.There was a plate piled high with buttered bread, a jug full of fresh orange juice and another full of warm milk, and eggs fried expertly by Papa. “And now to wake up Mummy,” said the girls.
But Mummy was already awake, and wondering what was going on outside.
She came out of her room looking worried. “Rani, Meera, are you alright?”

“Of course we’re alright!” cried the girls rushing up to her and hugging her. “Happy birthday!”

“Happy birthday!” cried the girls.

“Breakfast is served!” said Papa, beaming happily at Mummy, and pulling out a chair for her to sit on.

“I can’t believe all of you did this! What a wonderful surprise!” cried Mummy, looking at the balloons, and the beautifully laid breakfast table. It was the best breakfast Mummy had ever eaten.

Meera and Rani gave Mummy the special birthday cards they had made for her.

Then BZZZZZ went the front doorbell. “Mummy, mummy, answer the door,” cried the girls. Mummy looked surprised and opened the front door.

A man stood outside with a huge bouquet of flowers. “For you, Madam,” he said, handing over the bouquet to Mummy.

Mummy’s birthday flowers

“Do you like them?” asked Meera and Rani together. “We ordered them specially for you last night!” Papa had helped with this part of their plan as well. He had called a special flower shop where they took orders on the phone and delivered the flowers to the address you gave them. Mummy loved the flowers. She smiled and smiled.

“And now, time to get ready for school,” said Papa. Meera and Rani nodded and went off at once to shower and change into their uniforms.

“Aren’t they being good today!” said Mummy in amazement. “They’re even getting ready for school on their own!”

“Well, it IS your special day, after all!” said Papa with a big smile.

Rani and Meera were ready for school in record time. “Bye Mummy,” said Rani, giving Mummy another special big hug and running off downstairs where Papa was already waiting to take them to school.

Mummy gave Meera a big hug.

Meera stayed behind for a bit. “Did you like our birthday surprise, Mummy?” she asked. “We wanted it to be a special day today.”
Mummy gave Meera a hug. “Yes Meera, I loved your surprise,” she said. “This has been the most wonderful birthday I’ve ever had.”

And it really was a happy day for Mummy.  She got presents and flowers and birthday cards from all her friends and family and was made to feel very very special. But for her the best, most special present of all was the one that Meera and Rani had given, the wonderful surprise breakfast.

The End.