Meera’s First Day in School

Written and Illustrated by Rohini Chowdhury

Meera’s First Day in School

Today was Meera’s first day in school. She was very excited. She had woken up extra early today. She wanted to be ready on time.

Meera ran to put on her new shoes.

“Hurry up, Meera!” called Rani, her older sister. “Let’s not be late on your first day!” Rani went to the same school. Meera ran to put on her smart new shoes.

Meera was very proud of her new things.

Mummy gave her her water bottle and lunch box. Meera had gone with Papa to the market last weekend to buy them. They were a bright blue colour. They also had yellow butterflies painted on them. Meera felt very proud of her new things.

Meera held Papa’s hand.

Meera held Papa’s hand. Rani walked on her other side. “Bye, children!” called Mummy from the door. “Have fun, Meera … and Rani, look after your little sister.”

Very soon, they were at the big green gates of the school. Meera was not afraid. She had been here many times before with Mummy to pick up Rani. Also, Rani had told her what happened in school. It had sounded like fun.

Rani ran off quickly through the gates. She was soon lost among her friends.

Meera and Papa walked in more slowly. Meera clutched her father’s hand as tightly as she could.

Meera’s classroom was a big bright room. It had little chairs and tables for the children to sit on.

Meera’s teacher, Mrs. Ray

A smiling lady in a green sari met her at the door. “Hello, Meera,” said the lady. “I am Mrs. Ray. I will be your class teacher.”

“Don’t go, Papa,” whispered Meera.

Suddenly Meera did not want her father to leave. “Don’t go, Papa,” she whispered. “It’s all right Meera,” said her father, laughing. “You are a brave girl. You will have so much to do here.”

Papa led her into the classroom. There were puzzles on a table, and books to read, and crayons to colour with. “Besides,” said Papa, “Rani is only two rooms away. And Mummy will be here before you notice.”

Some children were playing with blocks.

Mrs. Ray took Meera by the hand. “Come on,” she said. “Let’s go make some friends.” Some children were playing with blocks. Others were busy taking toys out of a box.

“Meera, this is Meena,” said Mrs. Ray.

Mrs. Ray took Meera to another little girl sitting all by herself in a corner. She had big black eyes and two long pigtails.

 “Meera, this is Meena,” said Mrs. Ray. “Her name sounds very much like yours. It is also her first day at school today. Maybe the two of you would like to be friends.”

Meera and Meena were soon busy with the puzzle.

Meera and Meena watched the other boys and girls for a while. “Meera, let’s do a puzzle,” said Meena. They found a big wooden puzzle of a train. Soon the two girls were busy trying to put the pieces together.

Mrs. Ray read them a story.

A little later, all the children sat in a circle on the carpet. Mrs. Ray read them a story about a lion and a mouse who became friends. She showed the children the big bright pictures in her book. Meera loved the story.

The rest of the morning was spent in singing songs. Mrs. Ray would start the songs and the children would sing with her. Meera found she knew most of the songs. She had heard Rani singing them.

 Soon the bell rang for break. It was time for a snack. Meera realised she was hungry. Meera and Meena sat down together. They opened their lunch boxes. Meera’s mother had given her a cheese sandwich and a lovely, juicy orange. Meena also had a sandwich, and a ripe, yellow banana.

Meera gave Meena some of her orange. Meena gave her half her banana. The children finished their snack as quickly as they could.

Meera and Meena ran out into the playground together.

Then it was playtime.

Meera and Meena ran out into the playground together. There were swings and seesaws and even a merry-go-round. There was also sand to dig in and a hutch full of rabbits.

Playtime was over much too quickly for Meera and Meena.

Mummy and Rani were waiting for her.

Suddenly it was time to go home. The children collected their lunch boxes and water bottles. Mrs. Ray opened the classroom door. There were Mummy and Rani waiting for Meera.  “Bye, Meena,” said Meera and ran out to Mummy and Rani.

That night Meera went to bed a very happy child. She was grown up now. She was going to school. Best of all, she had made a new friend! Tomorrow would be another exciting day.


The End.