Meera Goes Swimming

Written and Illustrated by Rohini Chowdhury

Meera Goes Swimming

Meera was excited. She was going to have her first swimming lesson today!  Rani, Meera’s older sister, already knew how to swim. She had learnt in the summer holidays with Papa. Now Papa was taking Meera to the pool as well. “You’re a big girl now,” he had said, “and it’s time you learnt how to swim.”

“Make sure you remember to take your swimming cap,” said Rani as the children packed their swimming kit into the little bags that Mummy had bought for them. Rani had very long hair and hated it to get wet.

But Meera did not want a swimming cap. “They are too tight,” she said fussily.

At the pool both girls ran off to get changed. Rani helped Meera put on her swimming things, and showed her how to hang up her clothes neatly on a peg and put her shoes away under the bench. Then Rani and Meera then ran out to the poolside. Papa had changed and was already in the water waiting for them. “Come on in,” he called. Rani jumped in with a big splash and began splashing around happily.

Meera stood unhappily by the side of the pool.

But Meera stood unhappily by the side of the big blue pool. Suddenly she didn’t want to go swimming any more. She had not realised how big the pool would be, or how full of splashing, shouting children.

“Come, Meera, don’t be afraid,” called Papa coming up to the edge and holding out his arms.

Slowly Meera climbed into the pool. “Ooh!” she cried. The water felt cold, and came right up to her chin!

“You’ll warm up in a minute,” said Papa.

“Look Meera, kick your legs like this,” called Rani, holding on to the edge of the pool and showing Meera what to do.

But Meera didn’t feel like it. She was cold, she was shivering, the water was too deep, the pool was too big and she didn’t want to swim any more!

“Well then, watch me!” said Rani, splashing and leaping in the water. Rani could swim really well, and loved the water.

Meera clung to Papa as tightly as she could.

“Meera, hold my hand,” said Papa coming up to her. “I’ll take you for a little paddle.” Meera clutched Papa’s hand as hard as she could. “Now, let your body relax, float up, and kick your feet,” said Papa. But Meera was too frightened. She curled up into a tight little bundle in Papa’s arms and refused to do a thing he said. “How will you ever learn to swim like this?” asked Papa laughing. But Meera just shut her eyes and held on even tighter to Papa.

“Meera, Meera!” suddenly called someone. Meera opened her eyes.

It was Meena, her best friend, with her father, Uncle Suresh. “Isn’t swimming fun?” laughed Meena, bobbing up and down in the water. But Meera shook her head. She didn’t like swimming one bit. She was too frightened.

Soon, Rani and Meena were laughing and jumping and splashing each other, and swimming about happily like a pair of ducks. They had forgotten all about Meera, who was now feeling grumpy as well as frightened.

“Meera, you can do it,"“ said Papa. ‘Let’s show them. All you have to do is relax, and let yourself float. Before you know it you too will be swimming. And don’t be afraid, I’m here with you. Do you think I’d ever let you go under?”

Meera took a deep breath, and then did as Papa said. She hung on to his hands and slowly stretched her legs out, letting her body relax. And there she was, floating!

“That’s it, Meera,” said Papa. “Now kick. Kick as hard as you can.” Meera kicked with both her legs, and made a great splashing noise. And suddenly she was swimming, with Papa’s strong safe hands to guide her!

Suddenly, Meera was swimming!

After a few minutes of this, Papa made her stop. “Now Meera, you’ll do this on your own, without my holding you,” he said, and gave her a bright yellow float. “Hold on to the float and pretend it’s my hands you’re holding, and do exactly what you just did,” he said.

“I can’t!” cried Meera in panic. But just then Meena and Rani splashed by, laughing and giggling. They seemed to be having such a wonderful time that Meera decided to try. She held the float as firmly as she could and did just as Papa said, and there she was floating on her own!

“Now kick, Meera,” said Papa. “And don’t worry, I’m right here beside you.”

Meera kicked out with her legs and slowly began to move forward. Once, she thought she was going to sink, but there was Papa’s hand under her tummy, steadying her. Meera felt braver and kicked out strongly. Very soon she was moving steadily through the water without any help at all!

“Oh that’s really good, Meera!” cried Meena standing by to watch.
”Much better than I did on my first lesson,” said Rani.

“Now race us, Meera!” said Meena.
”Yes, come on!” said Rani,  “you with your float, us without!”
”Go!” shouted Meena, and then they were off, the three of them.

Rani, Meena and Meera

Meena and Rani were soon ahead of Meera, splashing and spraying watereverywhere. Meena kicked as hard as she could, determined to keep up.

Suddenly there was a big SPLASH. Someone jumped into the pool right in front of Meera. Meera wobbled, gasped, shut her eyes tight and guess what! She went right under! She kicked frantically, and bobbed up to the surface. She took a deep big breath, but before she knew it, there she was, back under water, with big scary bubbles all round her.

Meera went right under!

“Help! I’m going to die!” thought Meera in panic. But suddenly a pair of big strong hands grabbed her and lifted her out. It was Papa of course! ‘Ok Meera?’ he asked anxiously. Meera gasped ad nodded.

‘What happened?’ asked Rani and Meena swimming back, and looking worried.

“I nearly drowned!” said Meera, looking frightened and clinging to Papa.
”Of course you didn’t nearly drown!” cried Meena with a laugh.
”Look, Meera, the water is not deep at all. You can stand up in it!” said Rani.

Meera looked down at the pool. Of course! The water came only up to her chin! If she hadn’t been so frightened she would have remembered to put her legs down, but…

"“It’s ok, Meera,’ said Papa with a smile. “It happens to all of us. And this is only your first day!”

“I was so scared on my first day in the pool, that I wouldn’t leave my Daddy,” said Meena kindly. “You’re very brave, Meera, to swim so much on your own.”
”Yes, my little sister is very brave,” said Rani, looking proudly Meera.

Meera wriggled out of Papa’s arms and into the water. She grabbed her float, which was drifting away. Then, smiling at Rani and Meena, she said, “Race anyone?”

“Yayyy!” cried Meena and Rani, and the three girls set off, splashing through the water, as fast as they could.

The End.